Saturday, December 28, 2013

I'm Baaaack!

Last March, I started this blog with good intentions of keeping it up and running.  I managed to do 9 posts before I needed to put it on the back burner.  So, you may be wondering, "what happened?"  As people sometimes say, "life got in the way".

During that time, I was unhappy at my job.  The pay was low, the commute was long (especially in the Wisconsin winter weather), and I was indifferent about what I was doing.  My husband didn't like me being away from home so much.  So, we decided that I would become a full-time homemaker with part-time jobs.  During the commute to my job, I had lots of time to think, so I came up with my C.H.A.M.P.S. plan.  Which stands for:

C - Child Care Giver- I set up an account on to allow parents to find me.  I have a child that I watch regularly, and I absolutely adore him.
H - Home Organizer - Currently, I do jobs for friends and family, but I would love to expand.
A - Aimee Time - I want to make sure that I take time for myself.
M - Math Tutor - There are times that I miss teaching.  Tutoring is a great way for me to share my passion for math, kids, and learning.
P - Pampered Chef Consultant - I love their quality products, it's a great way to meet people, and I love trying new recipes.
S - Substitute Teacher - Subbing is a lot less stressful than I thought that it would be.  I love getting to work with students of all ages.  

With getting all of those jobs up and running, this blog had to fall to the wayside for awhile...a looooooong while.  I needed to take time to get my life reorganized.  It was well worth it.  I average more money per week now, than I did at the job I was working in March, and that is with putting in half the hours.  Plus, I am way happier.  I have time to spend with my family, take care of my home, and I have control over my schedule.

As many of us do, I have been reflecting on the past year, and deciding what changes I want to make going forward.  One thing on that list is the return of my blog.  My goal is one post per week.  You'll need to keep following me for other things that I have in store.

Thanks for reading.  Happy New Year!!


  1. Welcome back! :) I look forward to reading about what you're doing!
